

At Global Advanced Systems, our vision for hiring is electrifying! We're not just looking for employees; we're seeking passionate innovators, visionaries, and game-changers who want to shape the future alongside us. Every individual we bring on board isn't just another cog in the machine; they're a vital piece of our dynamic puzzle, integral to our mission of pushing boundaries, disrupting industries, and making a tangible difference in the world. We're building a team of diverse talents and perspectives, united by a shared commitment to excellence and a relentless drive for progress.
Join us, and let's revolutionize the world together!

Our Available Jobs

Department Position /title Reference ID
Business and sales Electrical Sales engineer #GS-01
Business and sales Electrical Pre Sales Engineer #GS-02
Business and sales Sales Personal #GAG-01
Administration Logistic personal #GLG-01
Maintenance Electronic Maintenance Engineer #GEM-01
Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Engineer #GMM-02
Maintenance Electrical Maintenance Engineer #GEM-03